Sunday, November 20, 2011

phone edict

Ok it used to make me so mad when my Grandpa Dean would call me, he wouldnt say goodbye before he hung up. So you would think he was still on the phone and you would still be talking and then you would hear the dial tone. It would annoy the hell out of me, how hard is it to say goodbye first! I THOUGHT THAT WAS BAD! Now I have my Grandma, who is even worse. When she calls she doesnt say hi. AND she isnt very nice on the phone either. She just called, but I didnt get a "Hi". All I got was ... "Is your mom there?" in a disgruntled tone! How hard is it to say "Hi how are you, is your mom there". No I guess thats to much work. Where is the phone edict. Do you think half the people that call for something really want to know how you are, no, but its polite to ask, its phone edict! When I see someone on the street, do I really want to know how they are? no, but I am going to ask them anyways. So the next time my grandmother calls and says "Wheres your mother" I am going to answer back by saying "I am doing great grandma, how are you"!!!!!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Being a Girl

It occurred to me yesterday that the reason I play dumb girl sometimes is because my dad taught me. I know it sounds odd but it is true. Growing up I spent alot of time with my dad. I learned how to change a tire, fix a fence, jump start a car...ect. The reason I did this is because I wanted to impress my dad and do anything a guy could do. So with that mentality why would  I play dumb..... its better for a mans ego and you can get men to do things you dont want to do. Why is this my dads fault,case in point...... I needed new windshield wipers so I called my dad. He said go to an auto store and buy them. Then play dumb and some guy will put them on for free. So after making my purchase I turned to the guy behind the counter and said......"now are the wipers suppose to be turned on when I change them?" He said "no, but why dont I put them on for you"   so I say " Really, that would be great". We walk out to my jeep puts them on for me, my turn to continue to play dumb "Gosh now I feel stupid, you make it look so easy." He says "I've changed alot of them so its second nature now, let me know if you have a problem and I will take care of it". WAM BAM I have my windshield wipers put on AND gave a guy an ego boost! YOUR WELCOME!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Universe Telling Me Something

Since I have been unemployed I have been bored as hell. Needless to say I started reading more than normal. I went from reading 3 or 4 books a week to reading a book a day. Fast forward to the real story.....
 I ordered this book online from a used book store that was this western romance novel. I had been waiting over two weeks to get it and was stoked when I got a call from my mom saying it was here. I told her how excited I was to read it and she was like "um its not really your kind of book, I am surprised you bought it." Come to find out my order got mixed up and instead of a western romance I got a self help book. NOT ONLY THAT but the book is titled How To Get Control of Your Time and Your Life!
So was this a simple mix up or is someone trying to tell me I need to fix my life!lol What are the odds that my order would be mixed up AND I got a book that fits me quite well at the moment! Needless to say I am sending it back without reading it!!! And the Universe can bite me!!!lol

Bad Example

Most of you know that I spent the summer helping with 2 of my nephews. And I wont lie, it was hard as hell. I learned the ups and downs of raising kids. One of them being that you never have time by yourself. I was so worried I was going to screw my sisters kids up, and in a lot of ways i probably did!lol But hopefully whatever damage I did to them my sister can correct! One thing I can say is that I got a closer relationship with them. In fact my 3 year old nephew Ry and me have a special conection now. The down side, he was sitting on my lap the other day while I was having my morning coffee and said "Aunt Sash I wanna grow up to be just like you and drink COFFEE!" I thought DAMN! I am a horrible rolemodel! But coffee isnt my biggest bad habit. So I guess the moral of the story is that Aunt Sash needs to stop smoking asap!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Facebook Friends

So I love the fact that Facebook thinks it knows who should be my friend. It all started one morning when I was having a very bad start to my day, I decided to get on facebook to see if I could lift my mood. Then I see this little window that says Facebook Suggests (Ex Boyfriend) as a friend. This was the last straw! Facebook doesn't know who I want to be friends with! Why would I want to be friends with this person and what gives Facebook the right to intervene. So what do I suggest to facebook.......mind your own damn business!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

It is all a conspiracy

So a while back I read this book about this girl who saved a little boy and was on the news and a few days latter someone contacted her saying she was their child and she had been kidnapped and sold by a baby broker.
This got me I look like my parents? Why am I so short, my parents aren't? And so the wheels started turning. I know I must be adopted, why haven't my parents told me? After a little bit I start feeling bad. My poor real parents out there looking for me, I bet they have never given up hope. They are probably posting my picture up in the streets of new york (because that where I was probably from). Crying themselves to sleep every night not knowing where their little girl is. And I want to reach out and say I AM HERE! But then there are the people I have called my parents since this illegal adoption. And I think what kind of people use a baby broker? Are Jill and Roger even their real names? What kind of trouble might they be in?
But then again, I am just as crazy as my mom, have the attitude of my father and fight with my sisters and brother enough to know that there is no way my parents aren't my parents. Plus there is that whole birth certificate thing and the pictures of me after I was born. Well maybe I am just being a little paranoid.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Kids Say the Funniest Things!

So I was having a BBQ with my family the other night when the topic of conversation turns to my relationship status. My dad started telling my sister and her husband about a guy he works with that he is "going" to set me up with. This is when I turn and say "I am not going on a date with him and stop trying to set me up". Of course, like I wasn't even there, they continued the conversation. Turns out my sister and her husband did know the guy and thought it would be a GREAT idea. That when I repeated the phrase " I am not going on a date with him.
Then my 7 year old nephew turns to me and says "why wont you go on a date with him"
I say "because I dont want to date him"
he says " well if your going to marry him you should probably date him first dont you think?
"I'm not going to marry him"
"why not"
"I dont need a husband"
"yes you do then you can have your own house and not live with grandma and grandpa"

I had know idea what to say. When your 7 year old nephew pretty much tells you you dont have a life, it kinda makes you realize just how bad you need to get stuff figured out!lol